Book Review: The Art of Turning Red

The Art of Turning Red - 01

This is a wonderful artbook companion for the equally wonderful animated film from Pixar.

This is a 160-page large format hardcover packed with concept art, storyboards, character designs and colour scripts for Turning Red. The character designs are lovely and lively. The world building is very cohesive and the staff have done a great job with the overall look and feel. As an Asian myself, I particularly like the Asian influence in the film.

The artworks, drawings, sketches, backgrounds look so good and varied in terms of style and texture. You can tell a lot of research was done. There isn't much text except for the occasional paragraph of commentary from the artists. And that's alright because there is a lot of art included.

This is a fantastic artbook, kinda inspiring too when you look at all the work that goes behind to create the film. Highly recommended.


This book was borrowed from Basheer Graphic Books for review purposes. You can order the book from them. Check with Basheer on Facebook.

The Art of Turning Red is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | AU | JP | CN)

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This book was borrowed from Basheer Graphic Books for review purposes. You can order the book from them. Check with Basheer on Facebook.

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