Book Preview: IDEA DIARY by Christoph Niemann

IDEA DIARY by Christoph Niemann - 01

Christoph Niemann is an artist, author and animator whose illustrations have appear on magazines such as The New Yorker, National Geographic and The New York Times Magazine. He's into editorial illustrations and his visual ideas are smart and techniques often make people do a double take.

He has recently released his new book IDEA DIARY that features, well, his ideas. It's a 240-page hardcover priced at €85 and is available via his online store.

Check out the preview pages below.

IDEA DIARY by Christoph Niemann - 02

IDEA DIARY by Christoph Niemann - 03

IDEA DIARY by Christoph Niemann - 04

IDEA DIARY by Christoph Niemann - 05

IDEA DIARY by Christoph Niemann - 06

IDEA DIARY by Christoph Niemann - 07

IDEA DIARY by Christoph Niemann - 08

IDEA DIARY by Christoph Niemann - 09

IDEA DIARY by Christoph Niemann - 10

IDEA DIARY by Christoph Niemann - 11

IDEA DIARY by Christoph Niemann - 12

And also check out his Ted Talk video on the design language. That video has 1.5 million views.

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