Book Review: The Art of Cinematography

The Art of Cinematography is a book that studies cinematography through the eyes of prominent cinematographers from the 1910 to present day.

150 cinematographers are featured, each with a selected "trademark film". The book has 352 pages, so each one just gets a two page coverage, the profile appears on one page with the text in Italian and English, and the other page filled with a film still.

It's a book that studies the people who made these films possible. There's mention of techniques and filming process, insightful read, but it's quite brief since there's only half a page for all the writeup.

As with any listing of films, the selection is subjective. The authors and contributors are the Italian cinematographer Vittorio Storaro, Bob Fisher and Lorenzo Codelli.

Also included is a DVD with pictures dedicated to artists featured in the book.


This review copy is provided by book seller and distributor APD Singapore (website | facebook). You can get the book from them and major bookstores in Southeast Asia.

The Art of Cinematography is also available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

The Art of Cinematography

The Art of Cinematography

The Art of Cinematography

The Art of Cinematography

The Art of Cinematography

The Art of Cinematography

The Art of Cinematography

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