Book Review: Creative Advertising: An Introduction

Creative Advertising: An Introduction an insightful book that covers the overview of what the advertising industry is, and how creative work is made.

The book is authored by Miriam Sorrentino, an art director who has worked at numerous London agencies, and is also a teacher who teaches brand communication and advertising.

The text is concise, informative and enlightening. The many wonderful examples are all captioned and compliment the text well. Insightful quotes from other advertisers appear frequently in this 240-page paperback.

The book's structured into three parts. The first part offers the big picture, looks at the business of advertising, the history and the concept called the brand. Second part deals with the actual product itself, the advertisement in its many forms, and the different media that are used for campaigns nowadays. The last part covers the execution part, techniques, art direction, production and career paths.

Every subject matter discussed are provided with concrete examples, which makes it really easy to relate and understand.

Although the book is meant for those just starting out and are interested in advertising as a career, it does present a lot of useful and insightful information that seasoned advertising thinkers can also use.

Great book. Highly recommended to those into advertising.

Another wonderful book to check out is Creative Advertising: Ideas and Techniques From the World's Best Campaigns.


This review copy is provided by book seller and distributor APD Singapore (website | facebook). You can get the book from them and major bookstores in Southeast Asia.

Creative Advertising: An Introduction is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

Creative Advertising: An Introduction

Creative Advertising: An Introduction

Creative Advertising: An Introduction

Creative Advertising: An Introduction

Creative Advertising: An Introduction

Creative Advertising: An Introduction

Creative Advertising: An Introduction

Creative Advertising: An Introduction

Creative Advertising: An Introduction

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