Book Review: Movie Box by Paolo Mereghetti

Movie Box by Paolo Mereghetti

The big book of stills

The book has a brilliant start with forty-three superb star portraits and I thought this book was perhaps going to be something special but after page sixty-nine it soon became clear that the rest of the book was basically made up of movie publicity photos with brief captions. Italian film critic Paolo Mereghetti seems to have taken the easy option of collating the 418 photos into ten chapters (one of which: 'Playing roles' is sub-divided into another eight sections) and writing a short essay for each though there are text pieces about some directors and stars throughout the pages.

The book is well produced with the gimmick of a magnetic opening flap (following the same format as previous titles: FashionBox; MusicBox; PhotoBox) but it is mostly a collection of commercial film stills from the movie business publicity machine. Any dedicated movie will have seen many of these over the years.

Movie Box by Paolo Mereghetti is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

Movie Box by Paolo Mereghetti
A spread from the opening chapter of star portraits, here's Eisenberg and Dafoe.

Movie Box by Paolo Mereghetti

Movie Box by Paolo Mereghetti

Movie Box by Paolo Mereghetti

Movie Box by Paolo Mereghetti

Movie Box by Paolo Mereghetti

Movie Box by Paolo Mereghetti

Movie Box by Paolo Mereghetti

Movie Box by Paolo Mereghetti

Movie Box by Paolo Mereghetti

Movie Box by Paolo Mereghetti
Each chapter has an opening essay.

Movie Box by Paolo Mereghetti

Movie Box by Paolo Mereghetti

Movie Box by Paolo Mereghetti

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