Book Review: New York Nocturnes

New York Nocturnes

Night lite

Peter Fink's eighty-five after dark photos of Manhattan are a brave try but hardly memorable and not helped by the standard Dover Books format of inadequate screen (133) and layout. Mostly their titles are value for money but in this book with photos that are predominately black their usual editorial style just doesn't work.

Too many of Fink's photos look like stock shots of the city at night. Manhattan dazzle seems to be a huge challenge for any creative photographer, so I'm still waiting for the definitive title that captures it all.

New York Nocturnes is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

New York Nocturnes

New York Nocturnes

New York Nocturnes

New York Nocturnes

New York Nocturnes

New York Nocturnes

New York Nocturnes

New York Nocturnes

New York Nocturnes

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