Book Review: We Heart P-22: A Coloring + Activity Book Celebrating L.A.'s Famous Mountain Lion

Thanks to Teena Apeles for sending me a copy of this book.

We Heart P-22 is a colouring and activity book dedicated to the mountain lion P-22 which was discovered in 2012 in Griffith Park, Los Angeles. That's also the park with the iconic Hollywood sign.

This book is an interesting project produced with the help of several contributors. Wildlife biologist Miguel Ordenana wrote a story about how he discovered P-22 using a motion-activated camera. There are other stories about P-22's history, where he lives, his habitat, daily routine and an "exclusive interview" with the famous mountain lion itself. There's a lot of interesting information on the animal and the species.

The bulk of the book are filled with line art drawings for colouring and there are several activity pages as well, such as going through a drawn maze, crossword puzzles, join-the-dots, making your own P-22 face masks and hand puppets, and more. All the artworks are contributed by a community of talented folks from 5 to 50+ year olds. Every piece of art comes with bits of information on P-22 and general knowledge about mountain lions. So it's a rather educational book. Each contributor also got to say something about what P-22 means to them.

Overall, it's a fun and educational colouring and activity book. This book is part of Narrated Objects's L.A. Coloring + Activity Book series.

You can get the book at Narrated Objects, Etsy and

And you can read more about P-22 in this LA Times article.

We Heart P-22: A Coloring + Activity Book Celebrating L.A.'s Famous Mountain Lion - 02

We Heart P-22: A Coloring + Activity Book Celebrating L.A.'s Famous Mountain Lion - 03

We Heart P-22: A Coloring + Activity Book Celebrating L.A.'s Famous Mountain Lion - 04

We Heart P-22: A Coloring + Activity Book Celebrating L.A.'s Famous Mountain Lion - 05

We Heart P-22: A Coloring + Activity Book Celebrating L.A.'s Famous Mountain Lion - 06

We Heart P-22: A Coloring + Activity Book Celebrating L.A.'s Famous Mountain Lion - 07

We Heart P-22: A Coloring + Activity Book Celebrating L.A.'s Famous Mountain Lion - 08

We Heart P-22: A Coloring + Activity Book Celebrating L.A.'s Famous Mountain Lion - 09

We Heart P-22: A Coloring + Activity Book Celebrating L.A.'s Famous Mountain Lion - 10

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