Review: Lululook Foldable iPad Pro Stand

Review unit provided by Lululook

Update May 2024: This stand is not compatible with the 2024 iPad Pro

Lululook has added another iPad Pro magnetic stand to its line up and it's a folding stand. The price is USD 79. The previous iPad Pro magnetic stand I reviewed is now discounted to USD 65. If you don't need the folding function, just get the non-folding stand to save $15.

This folding stand design is not unique. It looks exactly like the Benks Infinity iPad Pro magnetic stand that I've also reviewed, and that's USD 79 too. There are other brands that sell similar looking stands.

This iPad Pro stand can be founded down into more compact that's easier to bring around.

The hinge is very stiff, and that's great.

You can also tilt the iPad Pro down at this angle for drawing. The hinge is strong enough to support the weight of the hand resting on it.

Beneath the stand is one big piece of rubber padding with excellent grip on table.

I'm not sure why there's a sticker on the stand that seem to suggest the iPad Pro 11 is compatible. On Lululook's website, they differentiate the 12.9-inch and 11-inch stands on the ordering page.

The iPad Pro can be deployed vertically but make sure not to hit the corner of the tablet when changing the orientation. The non-folding iPad Pro stand has the appropriate height for vertical deployment without the risk of hitting the corner.

The magnets of this stand are strong, but not strong enough that you can turn the iPad Pro vertically without the tablet detaching. It's best to hold the back place and tablet together when turning.

To conclude, this is an excellent iPad Pro stand, one that I can recommend easily. The whole stand is made with metal and the build quality is excellent. It's sturdy so there's no wobble when typing on it. The only downside is you can't use one hand to change the orientation.

If you're interested to get this stand, you can find it on Lululook's online store.

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