Review: Moko / TiMOVO Remarkable 2 Pen alternative (Wacom EMR)

In my search for Wacom EMR pens with two side buttons, I came across the Moko stylus that's designed as an alternative to the ReMarkable Marker Plus pen (USD 129). This Moko stylus is a white label product because I've seen the same design sold under other brands, e.g. TiMOVO on AliExpress.

I had purchased the pen from Shopee SG for SGD 35 (USD 26), so this pen is not too expensive.

Note that I have not used ReMarkable 2 or ReMarkable Paper Pro before so I can't say whether this pen design works with those two tablets. E.g. Whether the magnets are strong or attach at the right places.

Design of this pen looks good. It's longer than the Samsung S Pen that comes with tablet, and the Wacom One Standard Pen with two side buttons.

The plastic body is hollow (lightweight) which gives this pen a rather cheap feel but build quality seems fine. The surface is matte textured and provides a good grip. There's one side button and an eraser at the back.

The pen is almost cylindrical except for the flat side that has magnets. The side button may be customisable depending on the drawing or note taking app used.

The pen tip is hard plastic and glides very smoothly on glass surface.

Here are the line tests.

1. Initial activation force is low. Drawing thin lines is easy even with a thick brush selected. There's no wobble with slow diagonal lines. I notice this pen has a tendency to draw thicker lines because it's more sensitive. You press down a bit more and the lines are noticeably thicker compared to other pens I've tested, but this could be due to the pen tip used.

2. How well lines taper will depend on the app you use.

3. Line transition from thin to thick and back is smooth. This is also a diagonal line and there's no diagonal line wobble.

4. Consistent line width can be drawn by maintaining consistent pressure.

5. No issues with drawing dots.

6. No issues with cursor misalignment.

And there are no issues with tilt sensitivity too.

Writing performance is fantastic. My handwriting style can be captured accurately.


This pen works fine. Price is good so it provides good value for money.

If you're looking for a pen with a side button and eraser, this is definitely one to consider.

Only downside is the pen feels kinda cheap because the body is hollow, but it's lightweight or does not have unnecessary weight.


You don't actually have to look specifically for the Moko or TiMOVO brand. You can just do a search for "remarkable 2 pen" and there will be many similar pens that appear.

Having said that, you can find the pens on Shopee SG and AliExpress

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