Book Preview II: RIFT

Book Preview: RIFT

Here's a preview of James Jean's upcoming accordion art book, RIFT.

It will be debuting at San Diego Comic Con 2010. Don't miss the autograph signing session if you happen to be there. It's on Saturday July 24th, 2010
at Autograph Area AA21, 12:00-1:00PM.

Visit Amazon to check out more reviews.

If you buy from the links, I get a little commission that helps me get more books to feature.

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Looks more a big postal than a book to me, looking great though.

Do you have any tips for ordering Japanese art books from Japan [to North America -- specifically Canada]?

In reply to by Teoh Yi Chie

Thanks :)
I'll check those out.
Really digging the site, by the way. I order a lot of comics/art books from Amazon(.ca), and they often don't let me look inside when I'm curious. So your reviews and little videos and links and everything are REALLY helpful. You have a few of the ones about which I was wondering for the longest time, and now I'll probably order a few (even in stores they were shrink-wrapped).

Are you familiar with Ashley Wood?
Do you have any idea why his books go from regular price to HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS within a few months of release? I've always been curious, though I must have everything of his. Extreme Finales is like $800 on Amazon, granted it's a big book...


James Jean is a true master of ALL FORMS of fine art & graphic design. He is the best artist (& youngest) living...