Book Review: How Things Work: Facts and fun, questions and answers, things to make and do

How Things Work: Facts and fun, questions and answers, things to make and do - 01

I borrowed this book from book seller and distributor APD Singapore (website | facebook) because I like the children illustrations inside.

How things work is an educational book suitable for toddlers around the age of 3.

In the book are bite-sized information that are easy to absorb and activities that parents can guide their kids to complete, and in the process have something to teach the children. There are simple questions for the kids and interesting activities to follow along.

The subjects taught are mostly general knowledge. They are things like how water and electricity goes into a home, how to make fruit ice pops, how to make your own book by binding, what is light, shadow and sound and other things that fun facts.

The page layout is wonderful and I find the accompanying illustrations are beautiful and enticing. Kids would be delighted by the art.

How Things Work: Facts and fun, questions and answers, things to make and do is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

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How Things Work: Facts and fun, questions and answers, things to make and do - 12

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Here are direct links to the book: | | | | | | | |

This review copy is provided by book seller and distributor APD Singapore (website | facebook). You can get the book from them and major bookstores in Southeast Asia.

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