Book Review: The Memory of Memories

The Memory of Memories

Book Review: The Memory of Memories

The Memory of Memories is the production art book for Memories, a collection of three short anime films. They are Magnetic Rose directed by Koji Morimoto, Stink Bomb by Tensai Okamura and lastly Cannon Fodder by Katsuhiro Otomo. This book is in Japanese and bulk of the text should be production notes and interviews.

This art book contains the character designs, storyboards, coloured illustrations, background art and film stills.

I love the line art for Japanese anime. They are always intricate and filled with details. It's the same case in this book. Well, you don't really expect anything less from these three illustrious animators.

The drawings for the opera house is really amazing. It's a magnificent feat to squeeze all those beautiful cravings onto the wall, while following perspective rules, and making sure they repeat accurately in different angles. The same can be said for Otomo's canon city. I always wonder how they manage to draw all these.

This book is recommended for those who love manga style and have watched the anime - which is quite good by the way.

The Memory of Memories - 01

The Memory of Memories - 02

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The Memory of Memories - 14

You can find this book on If you buy from the link, I get a little commission that helps me get more books for review.

ISBN: 4063196658

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