Book Review: Figure Drawing for Dummies

Figure Drawing for Dummies

There are four parts to this book. The first part isn't really on figure drawing and introduces the basics of drawing and the stuff you need. As a Dummies series book, this one really assumes the reader has absolutely no knowledge on drawing.

The second and third part are on drawing the head and body. The last part is about other related stuff like clothing, composition, perspective, etc.

This book has a lot of text compared to other figure drawing books. The instructions are easy enough to follow. However, the illustrated examples aren't as nice as other figure drawing books.

I can't believe I'll see the missing-forehead problem in a figure drawing book but it's there on some of the heads. Maybe the author is going for a stylised look? I don't know. The other problem of this book is the lack of examples of posing figures other that the ones in front, side and back views. It's might be a bit difficult to visualise the form and volume of the body, muscles and how they are affected when the body is in different position.

This book might be very affordable, but there are other better ones.

Figure Drawing for Dummies - 01

Figure Drawing for Dummies - 02

Figure Drawing for Dummies - 03

Figure Drawing for Dummies - 04

Figure Drawing for Dummies - 05

Figure Drawing for Dummies - 06

Figure Drawing for Dummies - 07

Figure Drawing for Dummies - 08

Figure Drawing for Dummies - 09

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