Book Review: Turbulence: The Art of Storm Lion

Turbulence: The Art of Storm Lion

Here's the 128-page art book for Storm Lion, an art studio that's only one year old - no wonder I've never heard of them. They create art for video games, comic books and other art projects. From what I can see, it's mainly visual development or concept art.

While most of the artists featured are from Asia, their styles certainly doesn't give much clues to that. Most of the art featured are character designs but there are beautiful background paintings, 3D models, scenes among others. The quality of work is top notch, with lots of detail, nice textures, good colours. I'm impressed by the ideas, artistic style and technical execution.

It's a wonderful portfolio that hint at greater things to come.

You can check out more work at or follow them on

Here's the list of artists included in the book:

  • Skan Srisuwan (Thailand)
  • Zid (Malaysia)
  • Puppeteer Lee (Malaysia)
  • Chris De Joya (Philippines)
  • Numioh (Malaysia)
  • Camille Kuo (Taiwan)
  • Mahendra (Indonesia)
  • Noah Kuang Hong (China)
  • Eason Ding (China)
  • Sandara Tang (Singapore)
  • Dennis Luo (China)
  • Kunisaki aka Alexandra Talissa (Malaysia)
  • Comipa aka Paolo Aguasin (Philippines)
  • Henryca (Indonesia)
  • Yasmine Putri (Indonesia)
  • Randis Albion (Germany/Thailand)
  • Saryth (Thailand)
  • Extvia (China)
  • Yap Kun Rong (Japan)
  • Calyx (USA)
  • KCN (Taiwan)
  • XRIC7 aka Thitipon Dicruen (Thailand)
  • Tomiyasu Kenichiro (Japan)
  • Michael Chang Ting Yu (Hong Kong)


The books are sold at Kinokuniya Singapore and Basheer Bookshop (Singapore) at the moment. I don't think Kino SG ships overseas.

They should be available in other parts of Asia soon.

Outside of Asia, they will be debuting at San Diego Comic Con 2010 in July.

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They are a Singapore and LA based company. They came out a free comic on Free Comic Book Day 1/2 months back. REALLY friggin awesum!!!

u don't usually see such diverse work from the same studio. damn - where can i get their free comic? awesome

這本 還有什麼管道可以購買麼?
Turbulence: The Art of Storm Lion 和 Storm Lion Studio Shuts Down Before San Diego
台灣沒有購買管道 真傷心 .........

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