2 Colour Sketch of Macau Street

I got the idea for this sketch from the suggestions listed in the book Working With Color which I just bought. There are many ideas there that I’ll be experimenting with in the coming days.

So one of the suggestion is to use just two colours for your sketch. It can be two coloured ink pens, or a mix of ink and watercolour but you can only use two colours.

The colours I used here are Daniel Smith’s Phthalo Green (Blue Shade) (PG 7) and Quinacridone Magenta (PR 202). Phthalo Green on its own is quite an unnatural colour on its own so it’s best to mix it with a red or earth colour to neutralise it. When mixed with a cool red, Phthalo Green can produce beautiful variations of grays and black.

The sketch above is of a street scene in Macau. You can find the reference photo at https://photos.app.goo.gl/r5GfrUL5ipceprh78

It’s a fun sketch. Pretty straightforward. It’s difficult to get things wrong with just two colours.

I’ve also created a Youtube video for this sketch that you can watch at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEhYi_hgNDY

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