Bukit Gombak MRT station (9 Feb 2015)

This is one of my submissions for Urban Sketchers Singapore Vol 2 artbook. Unlike the first artbook, this time we are partnering with SG50 to come up with the book. As such, we have to draw places that are memorable to us, instead of some random sketch at the cafe or of commuters on the train.

So my piece of Bukit Gombak MRT station, the MRT station that I use to get around Singapore, other than taking the bus. The station is about 10 minutes away from my home. I kinda like this station because it's not as crowded as other stations. One main reason is because Bukit Gombak Stadium is just beside, and beyond that is Little Guilin quarry and beyond that is the military headquarters. So on one side of the station, there's no way to build any more residential estates, which is why this station is not as crowded as those with just flats built all around.

So why is this memorable to me?

Bukit Gombak MRT station was opened in 1990. I was just 9 years old then, probably in Primary 3. My fondest memory was of my parents taking me to ride on the train when the station first opened. I had never rode on a train before and it was quite exciting.

Back then, the MRT fare cards were those flexible ones with a hole punched at the top. You'll slot it into the machine and the ticket would be sucked in an appear at the top and you have to run across before the gates close on you.

I remember standing on the platform looking at the train tracks. Back then, the barriers weren't installed yet so you have to step behind the yellow line to prevent yourself from falling onto the tracks. Trains weren't as crowded as they are nowadays.

In the train, I looked out of the window to be fascinated by everything I see. We rode the train to Chinese Garden MRT station, built in 1988, alighted, and waited for the next train back to Bukit Gombak. While the MRT in Singapore has changed quite a bit, I'll still remember my first ride.

Tools used for the sketch: Saunders Waterford, Daniel Smith watercolours, Noodler's Black Bulletproof ink and Sailor CE

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