Jurong Sketchwalk (22 March 2014)

Journey to the West is an event organised by the National Arts Council, National Library Board Singapore and Urban Sketchers Singapore.

The program is over three weeks, held on the weekday each week. The public can sign up on the library website.

Yesterday was the first of the three days. We went to Jurong HIll and the Chinese garden with the public for some sketching and history.

That's the library at Jurong East. One of my favourite places to visit. I have borrowed a lot of artbooks there.

Members of Urban Sketchers Singapore sketching before the event.

Some of the drawing materials that were given out later. Markers, pencils, backing board, paper, clips.

Zaihan briefing about the program. We had a film crew with us as well.

The bus was almost fully packed.

That's the historian talking about the Jurong area and the changes. It's interesting to note that there was a railway line in Jurong area.

The participants getting their drawing goodies.

That's the top of Jurong Hill. I've never been to this part of Jurong before or even the Jurong Bird Park just beside the hill.

This part of Jurong is mostly the factories, warehouses and shipyard.

That's me with my watercolour sketch. I don't usually do splashes. Actually I had some splashes on the paper by mistake, so I decided to go all the way in the end.

And then we moved to the Chinese Garden. I've not been here for a long time but it's a really beautiful place to check out, jog, sketch.

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