Jurong Sketchwalk (6 April 2014)

This is final sketchwalk, part 3 of 3, from the Journey to the West series organised by National Arts Council and National Library Board Singapore, led by sketchers from Urban Sketchers Singapore.

We went to NTU's Chinese Heritage Centre and Thow Kwang Pottery Jungle with the public for some sketching and history.

This is NTU's Chinese Heritage Centre. It might be embarrassing to say it, but I was a student there for three years and I've passed by this building countless times without going in.

That's Lai Chee Kien giving us a brief history of the building. It was used as a library in the past.

Second stop was at Thow Kwang Pottery Jungle located very near NTU.

It's quite a surprised to see Tia stationed at this stop. She's a regular here.

That's the front of the wood firing kiln. Wood is fed in through those holes you see in front and also by the side. The kiln goes all the way up. Wood has to be added to maintain the temperature at 1260 degrees Celsius.

There are two entrances into the kiln by the side. And this is how it looks inside.

Of course, whenever visiting places, the "tourist mood" kicks in immediately. Every one is fascinated the the interesting things around and forgot about sketching. The guy there was showing us how pottery is made.

Thow Kwang Pottery Jungle also has an extensive variety of pottery for sale. If you want to pick up a gift, this is a good place to do so.

Brave sketching standing under the sun.

Show and Tell time.

I could see that every one was enjoying themselves. There are also sketchers who were from the previous two sketchwalks.

This idea of getting a bus to travel around places for sketching is really beginning to grow on me. It's so convenient!

Sketching two places in one morning, or afternoon is one too many though. Sketching one place in one morning and another in the afternoon is a much more comfortable pace, which was how it was planned during the George Town Sketchwalk in Penang in 2012.

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