Rochor Centre Sketchwalk (Feb 2016)

Here are some sketches I drew during February's sketchwalk at Rochor Centre. The place is going to be torn down this year to make way for the North-South Expressway. That is such a shame because these blocks of public housing are quite unique. There are 3 levels of shops below and a raised rooftop void deck. You don't get that type of design elsewhere in Singapore. In fact, all the other public housing designs in Singapore are really just rectangular blocks strictly for residential purposes — boring. Rochor Centre reminds me of the buildings in Hong Kong, except it's way neater here.

This is the raised void deck on level 4.

Another view of the void deck with the workout area.

A view from level 16 of the red block.

A view from level 16 of the green block.

I always walk by Rochor Centre on my way to Sim Lim Square and will really miss it when I'm gone.

Prior to sketching the place, I've actually not been inside. Now that I've sketched it, I feel that it's a place that has lots of good places, view and angles to sketch.

Below's the video of the sketchwalk.

For more videos, visit my Youtube channel at

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