Singapore River by Elgin Bridge

It was a really hot day today in Singapore. The sky was overcast, mainly because of the haze from Indonesia forest fire. Thank goodness the air quality is still not too bad.

I've started using the new Khadi Papers sketchbook I bought a few months ago. It's nice. The paper is only 200gsm which is a bit soft but it handles watercolours nicely.

The watercolours I used today is Mission Gold, that 9-tube set I bought.

The specific colours I used are Permanent Yellow, Permanent Red, French Ultramarine (Winsor & Newton), Burnt Sienna, Vandyke Brown, Phthalo Blue

Mission Gold's Burnt Sienna is a dull orange and when mixed with French Ultramarine actually gives a green mixture. Usually French Ultramarine and Burnt Sienna will produce a gray. I also used Burnt Sienna to dull down the red.

The gray used for the skyscrapers are French Ultramarine and Vandyke Brown. For the dark shadows, I added Permanent Red to give it a bit more visual interest. I did not mix the colours completely so as to let each colour still show.

Below's the timelapse video of the sketch.

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