Sketches of Avi A. Katz

Avi A. Katz is an illustrator who likes complicated scenes. "The messier a scene is, the more I’m compelled to draw it." he says. Cities, urban landscapes and architecture are his favorite sketching subjects. And he always makes sure there's an animal or two hidden in his illustration.

His sketches are detailed and conveys a good sense of space. There's also a bit of comic style from the digital colouring.

You can follow his sketches on Flickr.

If you like this style of art, check out Paul Madonna as well.

night on wabash

South west corner

The old corthouse north alley

courthouse alley west

courthouse alley east

Madison ans Wabash in Chicago



neve tzedek anita, Tel Aviv

Kikar masarik


hertzel 17 Florentin

Cafe sus etz, Shenkin

nahalat binyamin, Tel Aviv

cafe bialikb


Hi Parka, his sketches are really nice. Any idea if he will be compiling and publishing them? Thanks