Urban Sketchers Singapore Pop-Up Artstore & Flea Market

This is the 2-day mini USKSG Pop-Up Artstore/Flea Market at Viridian Art House.

I had a wonderful time hanging out with sketcher friends and talking to visitors. We were selling prints and badges.

Tia making badges.

That's me writing out the stand-up poster, using watercolour. My shirt was drenched with sweat. Who knew writing a few letters could be so intense.

Ignatius, Jenny and Francis, the three organisers.

Weird, I don't remember who took this photo.

Isaac and Favian didn't get much business drawing caricatures.

These were made by another group of ladies.

It's a little blank.

My drawing of Andrew

Andrew's drawing of Tia.

All photos shot with the Voigtlander 17.5mm f/0.95 lens.

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