I'm flying off to Spain today

I'll be flying off from Singapore to Spain in a few hours time.

There won't be any new reviews for the next two weeks, but I'll be posting some French translated ones instead during the time.

I'll be attending the sketchcrawl from 10-12 July at Barcelona so see you around if you're there.

If you're there for the Barcelona Urban Sketching Symposium, get connected on the Facebook page and Flick page.

For the next few days, I'll be posting sketches and updates while I'm there.

Around Kreta Ayer

I probably lost concentration after drawing the roof section on the top left. This is Kreta Ayer Road. On the far left is the Sri Layan Sithi Vinayagar Temple.

This is the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple in the heart of Chinatown. I'm not a big fan of drawing temples. This temple has lots of pillars, beams and lines. It's a challenge to simplify all the lines.

There should be 10 times more tourist than what I've depicted.

Both are drawn with ink and markers on Zeta sketchbook. I'm 5 spreads away from filling the book.