Book Review: Gesture Drawing Vol 3 by Ryan Woodward

Gesture Drawing Vol 3 by Ryan Woodward - 01

Ryan Woodward is a storyboard artist and animator. I'm a big fan of his work. You just have to visit his website to see the amazing sketches and fluid animation that he creates.

It's not enough to talk about him without mentioning Bottom of the Ninth, an animated comic on the iPad that he has created. It's one of the best comics I've read. My short review for that would be: Go get it.

Gesture Drawing Vol 3 is a book on gesture drawing, figure drawing. 222 pages.

The sketches inside are wonderful. The figures are drawn so gracefully and stylishly. You know a top animator at work when you look at how the figures are posed. The posture, form, action, light and shadows are captured nicely.

There are occasional drawing tips but the drawings serve as the bulk for inspiration.

Also included is a behind-the-scenes look at how he created his 2d animated short called Thought of You.

Highly recommended to animators, artists who draw characters.

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This book is available at and Basheer Graphic Books.

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This below is Thought of You

This book is available at and Basheer Graphic Books.


Dear Parka

Do you may be know if Basheer has this book still on stock. Can't find it unfortunately on the their homepage...and it seams to be be not possible to send them an email.... can't get through...Thanks for your help. karsten
P.S. It still possible to buy it in the states, but there I have more transport cost than the book is costing. Doesn't make sense...

So this is Ryan Woodwards third book on gesture drawing? Any info on vol.1 or 2?

Am new to drawing stuff and working to improve it. i noted that there are many many different drawing styles (many ways to draw a human figures etc ) how can newbies like me learn from the books? Am i supposed to learn to copy exactly how the author draw? Sorry am new

In reply to by Lee (not verified)

You should start with an anatomy book that focus on the muscles and not on any particular drawing styles first. Understand how the muscles provide form for the body, and where they are.

Practise life drawing or draw the people you see in the public.

Then you can go on to practice figure drawing such as those you see in the book. There's no right or wrong style. There's just believable or unbelievable style. A figure drawing can be very stylized and still look believable, e.g. Japanese anime characters that use very wide perspective.

The key point here is you need to know the basics of anatomy and figure drawing before you can find your own style.

You're supposed to copy what you see, whether from the book, or observation from life. The more you draw, the more you can draw. That's practice.

In reply to by Aj (not verified)

It's self published so quantity should be limited. You can ask Ryan Woodward if he's selling any digital copies.

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