Sketching at Cakes Literally (18 April 2014)

Today's sketching session brings us to Cakes Literally located at 138 Owen Road, Singapore. It's a small cafe that serves pretty nice cakes and coffee.

Cakes Literally

Cakes Literally

Cakes Literally

Cakes Literally
Palette belonging to William Sim. You may not be able to see it but there are cat hairs all over the palette.

Cakes Literally

Cakes Literally

Cakes Literally

Cakes Literally

Cakes Literally

Cakes Literally
Sketchers from left to right: William Sim, Vincent and Eve

Cakes Literally
After using ink and watercolour on the Stillman & Birn Epsilon sketchbook, I'm now switching over to using pencils. It's quite a thick sketchbook and I want to finish it before I write my review.

Using lines to render shades is incredibly difficult. You really need classical drawing training.

Cakes Literally

Cakes Literally

Cakes Literally

Cakes Literally

Cakes Literally

Cakes Literally


Great review, thanks for sharing. Makes me want to visit the place too. There is this map called CafeSG that lets you find all the local cafes in Singapore! Super useful for cafe hopping and to discover new cafes near home and workplace.

Hope to see more reviews from you

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