Book Review: Desert America: Territory of Paradox

Plenty of thing going on besides hot sun

Now some years old this can be picked up quite cheaply as I did for my copy. Considering how inexpensive it was I enjoyed looking through it. This is really a contemporary photo book of the south-western States and how the hand of man has shaped it. But considering the size of desert America with millions of acres, it's worth saying that man's hand has only really touched a small fraction of the land.

It's the comprehensive coverage that I thought was rather impressive. Chapters (rather ostentatiously called books) look at illegal border crossings from Mexico, the Salton Sea, energy (wind power, Hoover dam, sun arrays) tourism (Sun City, Las Vegas) the military (the biggest polluters in the area) Davis-Monthan plane graveyard, the Saint Agustin radio astronomy reflectors, Kitt Peak observatory and more. They all get excellent color photos that say something backed up with some historical black and whites plus maps and other graphics.

If you are interested in this part of America I think the book is worth getting because it covers so much of what is going on there and it's all presented in a well designed and printed landscape book.

Desert America: Territory of Paradox is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

Desert America: Territory of Paradox

Desert America: Territory of Paradox

Desert America: Territory of Paradox

Desert America: Territory of Paradox

Desert America: Territory of Paradox

Desert America: Territory of Paradox

Desert America: Territory of Paradox

Desert America: Territory of Paradox

Desert America: Territory of Paradox

Desert America: Territory of Paradox

Desert America: Territory of Paradox

Desert America: Territory of Paradox

Desert America: Territory of Paradox

Desert America: Territory of Paradox

Desert America: Territory of Paradox

Desert America: Territory of Paradox

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