Book Review: 100% Cutie

Book Review: 100% Cutie

100% Cutie is a cute book. Overwhelming would be my first impression. It's like an army of kawaii (Japanese for cute) characters waiting to be unleashed.

The book features 32 artists selected by Charuca. That's 272 pages filled with bright and colourful doll-eyed puffy cheek characters doing what they do best -- look cute. In that respect, it's pretty amazing, impressive. They even manage to make the dark gothic characters look cute.

The illustrations are beautiful and the variety is immense. If there's one thing I learn from this book, it's probably this: everything can be turned cute. Everything. Hot air balloons, trees, fruits, blobs, hamburgers, and many other creations I can't even describe. And it's not just about drawing big round eyes and smiley faces, although those help.

If you're into creating graphics that make people melt into a soft puddle of sweetness, this book is for you. Or if you collect cute stuff, this book is also for you.

Here's the list of artists featured:

100% Cutie - 01

100% Cutie - 02

100% Cutie - 03

100% Cutie - 04

100% Cutie - 05

100% Cutie - 06

100% Cutie - 07

100% Cutie - 08

100% Cutie - 09

100% Cutie - 10

100% Cutie - 11

ISBN: 9789810852788
Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: Basheer Graphic Books (2010)
Language: English

This book is published outside of Asia under the title I Love Kawaii, and in Asia, 100% Cutie.

This book was borrowed from Basheer Graphic Books for review purposes. You can order the book from them. Check with Basheer on Facebook or visit their website.


HAHA! I know similar artist on DA that do that too. CUTENESS GALORE! :D

a must buy book ! my only question is that will there be a difference if i bought the " I love kawaii" version. i found it in Monsa website you provided, but it says its in english and spanish.. i'm also wondering about the prices.. how much did you get yours in dollars? cuz i didn't find it in basheergraphics site..

oh and thanks for the review ! you're the best :)

I can't find this book to buy anywhere online? :S And no response from facebook yet...

the colors in the i love kawaii book is not as bright as the 100% cutie,the type of paper use to print on the 2 books are different,but i love kawaii book is smaller in size,same content,and has a hard cover, so depends on your need,do u want to carry it around with you? buy the i love kawaii book or u prefer bigger size 100%cutie book,colour brighter,page quality better..i personally recommend the 100% cutie^^.

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