Porcelain vs Plastic vs Metal Palettes for Watercolour

What's the best palette to use for mixing watercolour? Plastic, porcelain or metal?

Porcelain palettes are the best to use with watercolour because they are absolutely water impermeable, and hence don't stain and easy to clean. There's a reason why bowls, plates, washbasin and toilet bowls are made with porcelain.

Porcelain is typically made by heating kaolin to extremely high temperatures until it turns into a type of glass in this process called vitrification.

Downside to porcelain is they are heavy and can break when dropped.

When you mix watercolour on porcelain, the water tends to collect in a big pool and don't break into separate smaller pools. This allows you to spread paint out on larger surface area, and makes it easier to mix paint, and you can also see the colours you're mixing.

These are mixing wells from typical plastic watercolour palette boxes.

Notice how the paint will break into smaller pools of water or tiny beads? It's not nice to work with. The well on the right performs much better in the sense that the paint doesn't bead up much, but you can still see there's a tendency for the paint to break into separate pools. The behaviour of paint on plastic palette can be unpredictable and inconsistent as you can see above as those two wells are from the same palette.

You can actually roughen up the surface of plastic to make them more suitable for watercolour use. You can use either Magic Sponge or Magic Eraser, extremely fine grain sandpaper or sand eraser to roughen up the surface. This will allow the paint to spread out more and reduce the tendency to bread into separate pools or shrink/bead up much.

Here's a typical metal watercolour palette box. The mixing behaviour here is similar to that of plastic. So to get the best performance, it's best to roughen up the surface as well.

As you can see above, the two wells from the same palette behave differently as well. On the left, paint is able to spread without breaking into pools, and on the right there's breaking and pooling.

The downside to plastic and metal is the water beading effect. Plastic and metal will also stain so to clean them thorough, you have to really scrub them with the Magic Sponge. The advantages of plastic and metal is they are more portable since they are much lighter.

The porcelain palette that I bought above was from eBay and I got it for US $13 with shipping. You can also find them on Amazon and Jackson's ART (UK). There are many designs and sizes you can choose from.


Hi Teoh! Personally I like every surface, but I like most ceramic for studio painting and metal or plastic for sketching outside.
I just want to give you my point of view on roughen up the surface, I don't think its so useful for 3 reason:
1. The rough surface could shorten the life of the brush, specially if you use only synthetic brush like me, I understand is very light the roughness but watercolor brushes ar meant to be used on paper (even rough paper), not on rough plastic or metal.
2. Small pools ar not that big issue in my opinion, and maybe depends on the surface, I have a light irregular ceramic palette that make small pools!
3. The surface can't be cleaned up easily like if they're smooth.

But this is my point of view, nice feed as always, I really love your blog and youtube channel.

Porcelain can still be scratched and stained by heavy, hard pigments like cobalt.

Porcelain/ceramic is the best surface for mixing watercolours. The matter is that there are no portable watercolour boxes with porcelain/ceramic mixing spaces available on the market.
They could be made as porcelain in particular can be manufactured to become in so extremely thin layers, up to the point to look transparent under direct light, but no one bothers to manufacture such boxes for outdoor painting.
The technology exists... the boxes are those that don't exist.. lol

Hi. This is very helpful. I've been thinking of buying a mixing palette made out of resin just because they are so cute and unique. Have you tried using one with watercolor?

In reply to by Mariel (not verified)

I've not used resin palettes before so I can't say much. My guess is it's gonna behave just like a plastic palette.

Can anyone comment on using a small tray made from melamine or porcelain enamel?

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