Cerulean Blue PB 35 vs Cerulean Blue Chromium PB 36

Daniel Smith Cerulean Blue vs Cerulean Blue Chromium. Which do you like?

Cerulean Blue is more blue while Cerulean Blue Chromium has more green to it. Cerulean Blue also seem to be more granulating. The mixtures look similar except for the granulation.

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I'm intrigued by both colors after watching yours and others' reviews, so I picked up both tubes recently to give them a shot. I REALLY love the granulation, so I prob will stick with the original. But I love colors in general, so I'll get enjoyment from both of them.

I have Daniel Smith PB35. I do not understand why, but my Cerulean Blue always dries out and crumbles into little pieces. So I have to throw it out because if I try to reclaim it with just water, it is just horrible with chunks of pigment. So now I use fresh paint and add honey. This has been working for me. The paint drys in the pans,but doesn’t crumble. I should also mention that I live in Northern California. We are basically desert country here in Summer. Hot and dry, with little humidity. Winters are cool. No snow here in the Valley.

In reply to by Aujouret Seine (not verified)

@Aujouret Seine
That's weird. Cerulean Blue is usually very fluid. I suspect the binder has dried out. Maybe it's best to use that colour from the tube. Or try another brand's Cerulean Blue

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