Brand Strategy on Instagram by Julieta Tello (online course review)

Instagram is one of the world's most popular visual social platform with tremendous potential for building your own brand and even businesses. How you can get started and be good at using Instagram to your advantage is the focus of this course.

Brand Strategy on Instagram is a beginner's course to understanding all the different features of Instagram and using strategies to build your brand and following. The instructor Julieta Tello is an influencer and internet marketer who runs Design Junkie.

Note that this course is in Spanish but English subtitles are available. The slides used have Spanish text and the user interface of Instagram that's shown on the phone is also in Spanish.

What I like about this course is Julieta Tello is very obviously a practitioner and the tips and insights shared are all backed up with examples. The rationale for all the practical instructions are well explained and easy to follow.

The course covers the basics of using Instagram, shows you all the features, make sense of statistics available and how to you can get new followers. Julieta has many good ideas and it will do you good if you have paper pad beside to write them down.

I like that she stresses how much work is needed to build a following. She recommends posting 2 times a day until you reach 10,000 followers. I don't disagree because it's very challenging to start something from scratch, from zero. Even though the tips and insights from her are valuable, you'll still need discipline to follow through.

This is a fantastic course on making Instagram work for you.

It's a course I can recommend easily provided you don't mind reading English subtitles.

5 out of 5 stars

Check out the course and the reviews (85,000+ students) on Domestika.

Price of the course will vary depending on whether there are any promotion.

Disclosure: This course was bought with my own money. When you buy any course through the Domestika affiliate links, I earn some commission at not extra cost to you


Hi Teoh! Thank you for your review. I'm thinking about buying this course, but I'm not sure how relevant it is now? Could you give advice?

In reply to by Katerine (not verified)

The tips and strategies are useful. Actually most of what's taught can be found free on Youtube. The main difference is with this course, all the info is packaged together so that it's more convenient compared to finding separate videos.

Got you, thanks! :)
And thank you for sharing your experience. For your youtube channel, blog, tips and amazing drawings. This is all really inspiring. :)

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