Watercolour paper can deteriorate with time

This is a warning to those who likes to stock up on paper and those who buy too many sketchbooks but can't use them fast enough.

Watercolour can deteriorate over time. More specifically, the sizing of the watercolour paper can deteriorate.

Most watercolour paper are sized with gelatin either internally or externally. The sizing allows water or paint to sit on the surface of the paper rather than soak into the paper fiber.

If watercolour paper is exposed to humidity, the sizing can deteriorate, making the watercolour paper "normal" paper again, so to speak. By deteriorate, I mean the sizing would dissolve and disappear. When there is no more sizing, water and paint would be absorb by the paper and colours would look off and paint would have difficulty moving around, proper wet on wet techniques will be difficult to achieve.

Should above are pages from a sketchbook I got custom made a long time ago. It wasn't used for a long period of time and the sizing had deteriorated. When I painted on the paper, it looked weird, as if the paper fiber is becoming more obvious. The paper is Arches Hotpress 100% cotton watercolour paper.

Here are two more pages from the same sketchbook.

Again the nasty paper texture can be seen.

On this particular page, the sizing at the area where the road is has deteriorate but the area where the motorcycles are still looks fine.

This is another custom made sketchbook. This was bound with Fabriano Artistico coldpress 100% cotton watercolour paper. This sketchbook also wasn't used for a long period of time and the sizing had gone bad. Here in Singapore, humidity levels are high so that's a major source of problem. Sometimes the covers of my sketchbooks would also grow mould because of the humidity.

Colours appear washed out and the paper fiber texture is noticeable.

With good watercolour paper, paint is supposed to sit on the surface of the paper. Light goes through the transparent paint, gets reflected off the paper, and goes through the paint again before it reaches our eyes. In short, the paper is actually lighting the paint from behind. When the paint gets soaked into the paper fiber, the paper no longer lights the paint because there's no paint on the surface, and hence the colours appear dull.

Here's a close up on thr top right area.

Here's a watercolour sketch on a sketchbook recently made with Lanaquarrelle 100% cotton coldpress watercolour paper. Colours are vibrant and look as expected.

Here's a watercolour sketch on Arches 100% cotton hotpress watercolour paper when the paper still had good sizing.

The colours appear very nicely on the surface and there's no nasty paper fiber texture. And it's very easy to use wet on wet techniques on good paper too because the paint moves around easily on the surface. But once the paint gets soaked into the paper, they are not going to move much.

After you have painted on the paper, whether the sizing deteriorate is no longer important, because once the watercolour paint it dry, it's permanent. Dry watercolour paint is not going to move and soak into the paper.

So this is my warning to those who may stock up on paper, maybe during a sale, or buy too many watercolour sketchbooks that you can fill up fast enough. Don't make the same mistake as I have made.


Excellent information Teoh! Thank you for your great reviews and videos!

Oh my gosh, I'd never heard of this issue before (but I don't live where humidity is a problem)! How disappointing to save a good book and then have this happen. Also, your explanation of how the paper reflects light back through the transparent paint is the best I've ever heard about why colors are more vibrant on properly sized paper. I understood why sizing keeps the paint from sinking into the paper, but I don't think I understood how that affects the hue.

In reply to by Kate Buike (not verified)

@Kate Buike
Not exactly sure how long but there are other factors that affect the paper.

Humidity is the killer. If you live in a dry climate, then the paper should be fine. It's the moisture that dissolves the sizing.

How the paper is packed also matters. If it's kept seal in package, or in airtight container, then it should last longer.

But generally speaking, it's best to use up your watercolour paper fast.

I wonder if you can rescue these papers by re-sizing them with gelatin? Is it even possible?

I am having the same problem! And here I was wondering what went wrong. Thank you so much!

Wow thank you so much for this! I had wondered what happened to my watercolour papers for a really long time and unfortunately i had hoarded too many. Looks like i need to paint a lot more now haha.

Arches watercolor paper has been around since 1492 and now it doesn't last??
Less than 20 years ago,, Canson bought Arches and they probably changed the formula.

Hi, I was wondering if you could explain a weird experience I had that might have something to do with sizing going bad.
In November of 2022, I bought a 100% cotton watercolor sketchbook for making swatches of color mixes. I got about halfway through the book before life got in the way. Recently, I got this sketchbook back out and started swatching in it again. The first three swatches I made turned out perfectly normal. After that, however, I noticed that water was absorbing into the paper faster than I could even react, and that any new colors I laid down were very splotchy. Did the sizing suddenly go bad after those first three swatches?

My Fabbriano lost its sizing, and it's possible to get some sizing or even make up some with old school gelatin and you will likely restore some of the quality but as it's great paper it can be used with other media after painting on a gesso size or even the clear size that is available now. Of course it's not the same relationship to the paper but it is a conservable base to your new surface. I have had to get creative with a ream of Fabbriano bought 43 years ago before children and other events. I have glued it over paste board then sized it and most enjoyably drawn directly on it with charcoal, still that feel, then coated that with clear gesso all over using the liquid to fix the charcoal and form shadow effects. Then you can use any kind of paint or felt pens, even oil pastels and pastels.

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