Book Review: Tapestry The Paintings of Robert E. McGinnis

I've no idea who this guy is. When I first flipped open the book, I was like, "Wow, this guy is good!"

Robert E. McGinnis (born 1926) is an amazing painter. He has drawn over 1200 book covers. This book contains a selection of those covers, together with movie posters, landscape paintings, western art, ladies and miscellaneous paintings. He has done film posters for Breakfast at Tiffany's and James Bond just to name a few.

His women are drawn so well they are termed 'McGinnis Woman'. The look is sophisticated, the style and elegance are stunning.

His paintings on landscape and cowboys are also very beautiful.

This book was published in 2000 and will be hard to find. But it's one hell of a book, if only to look at his painted women.

Tapestry: The Paintings of Robert McGinnis is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

Tapestry The Paintings of Robert E. McGinnis - 01

Tapestry The Paintings of Robert E. McGinnis - 02

Tapestry The Paintings of Robert E. McGinnis - 03

Tapestry The Paintings of Robert E. McGinnis - 04

Tapestry The Paintings of Robert E. McGinnis - 05

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Tapestry The Paintings of Robert E. McGinnis - 07

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Yes, McGinnis is amazing, I own it and it's well worth it. He also has a DVD out that chronicles his career and gives a peak at his painting process. I have yet to purchase it, but it's on my list.


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