Book Review: Spectrum 18: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art

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Volume 18 is another great addition to the series. It's now 304 pages, slightly thicker than Spectrum 17. Available in either hardcover or paperback. Binding is great for a book this thick.

There are close to 500 pieces of art from different type of publications and purposes. Also included are some unpublished ones.

The Grand Master Award recipient is Ralph McQuarrie in this volume. He's the popular Star Wars artists. The winners for the Gold and Silver Awards are Ryohei Hase, Sam Weber, David Palumbo, Dan Dos Santos, Rebecca Guay, Joao Ruas, Kekai Kotaki, Tomasz Jedruszek, David Meng, Akihito, Android Jones, Brom, J.S. Rossbach and Scott Brundage. There are many other prominent and new artists featured.

For the quality of work represented, this book is a tremendous bargain for the money.

At the back of the book is a blurb to the Spectrum Fantastic Art Live happening on 18-20 May 2012. It's a fantasy-focused art fair where there will be workshops and sales. It's a great opportunity to meet up with the artists, or get your portfolio reviewed.


This book was borrowed from Basheer Graphic Books for review purposes. You can order the book from them. Check with Basheer on Facebook or visit their website.

Spectrum 18: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

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This book was borrowed from Basheer Graphic Books for review purposes. You can order the book from them. Check with Basheer on Facebook or visit their website.


HIgh quality prints and book, I think it's one of the best Spectrum books (I'm a Spectrumholic, got them all!).
I think it should be sold only in hardcover edittion, softcover wont last for long..

Got mine hardcover as well. I have all the Spectrum books some softcover and hardcover. Either way, just get these books. Great source of inspiration.

Parka any chance you'll be reviewing or even getting John Romita Jr's book or possibly Brian Bolland's? Just curious.

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