Book Review: Expose 3

The Expose series of art books are among the best digital art annuals ever published. Each year calls for entries attract over hundreds, if not thousands on application. It's every artist's dream to get into the book, for it's a ticket to stardom in the art industry.

The illustrations are categorized into a few categories, namely Fantasy, Architectural, Character in Repose, Character in Action, Creature in Repose, Robotic/Cyborg, Abstract & Design, Humorous, Surreal, Transport, Environment and Cityscapes. All feature works from both 2D and 3D.

The variety and quality is amazing. This is the best book to see who's on top of their game in the art industry.

All the pictures are printed in high resolution on gorgeous semi-gloss paper.

They are available in paperback without dust jacket, sometimes with a hardcover edition.

This review is reused for other books in the same series unless there are any major changes to content.

Expose 3 - 01

Expose 3 - 02

Expose 3 - 03

Expose 3 - 04

Expose 3 - 05

Expose 3 - 06

Expose 3 - 07

Expose 3 - 08

Expose 3 - 09

Expose 3 - 10

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Thanks for the review!
Could you tell me whether the Expose provides for some tutorials in their publications or you get just pitched perfect paintings to gaze on for hours?

Much appreciated!

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