Book Review: Prometheus: The Art of the Film

Prometheus: The Art of the Film - 01

Prometheus: The Art of the Film is a nice movie visual companion. A large landscape hardcover with 192 pages.

It's not the usual art book where you'll see lots of concept art. Rather, the content consist of film stills, photographs, storyboards and of course the concept art.

There are more photos than concept art, not that it's bad thing. The photos are great actually, showing detailed look at the interiors of Prometheus, some of the sets built such as the Prometheus landing leg, the Pyramid, the head statue, the chamber with the Ampules, sculpted alien props and the landscape photos that were turned into alien environments.

The concept art featured are mainly the finalized versions. There aren't many variations for any particular design. For example, there's only one exterior design of Prometheus, a handful of designs for spacesuit, aliens, etc. That's perhaps the downside of this so called art book. I do like the concept art style and rendition which goes really well together with the photos to give the book a very singular unified look.

The commentary talks about the important scenes and locations. Those are interesting as they explain the design. The book doesn't dissect the story so whatever you find ambiguous in the movie will still be more or less ambiguous after reading the book.

I consider this as more of a production design book. It's not an art book in the strictest sense as there aren't a lot of drawn art. However, I would still recommend it because it's packed with visuals all the way.

Prometheus: The Art of the Film is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN) and French edition at FR.

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French edition:


Simply incredible art direction to a mind-blowing visionary masterwork..

A must buy for anybody who loved the Prometheus, what a wonderful book and film.

does it come with a sleeve around the hardcover? i ask cause i got one delivered from bookdepositiory that is just the plain, glossy hardcover. i was wondering whether the book is missing the sleeve.

Hey Parka: This review is not listed in your "Art Book List", maybe you wanna check it.
By the way, thanks for the helpful review!

I have it :] Parka ... i kill U!
Since I came across your blog, keep buying and buying new albums and artbooks! ;] Greetings from Poland!

Does anyone else think some of the dark pictures are a little *too* dark? Or is it my copy? It's hard to compare with the pictures here or elsewhere on the net.

Would welcome any thoughts on this.

Hey Parka,
This looks really nice but i'm looking (if it exists) for an Alien art book than would encompass the whole series from Alien to Resurrection (and possibly Prometheus would be great) and covers the movies but also a bit of art from the comics/games/other.

Does such a thing exist?

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