The Artist on the Road: Impressions of Greece

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The Artist on the Road: Impressions of Greece - 00

Here's the travel sketchbook of Richard Sheppard made while traveling in Greece. It's a 134-page paperback that collects his beautiful watercolour sketches and observations. Looks like a nice and charming book.

Check out his blog for more art.

Greece, with its abundance of historical ruins and natural beauty, is the perfect place for an artist to sketch and paint. Artist Richard Sheppard takes an artistic journey to Greece with painting and drawing as his main goal. With a backpack and a messenger bag full of art supplies, The Artist on the Road: Impressions of Greece is a tale of the trials and errors an artist endures while making his way in a foreign land. Even with extensive preparation, the unexpected still gets in the way during his travels. Drawing in Greece is the ideal trial for an artist struggling to overcome insecurities in his work and drawing in public places. But these struggles are a natural part of the process that an artist can face and rise above, to the space where successful art emerges and becomes the reward.

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Thanks for informative sharing. I also spent a really good time there during my last summer holidays and came back with many pleasant memories.

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