Book Preview: Celluloid


A new graphic novel by Dave Mckean.

Pictures and book description are from Fantagraphics:

A woman arrives at an apartment, but her partner can’t get away from work. She is disappointed and settles in for a night alone, but finds a film projector with a reel of film loaded. The film is scratched and blurry, but she can make out a couple making love. When the film burns out, a door is revealed which leads to a misty town square... and a series of fantastical sexual encounters.

But the plot doesn’t really matter. Celluloid is a rare instance (especially among Anglo-Saxons) of a top-flight cartoonist working within erotic — even pornographic, to embrace the word — parameters, with the intent of creating a genuine work of art.

As the artist says: “There are so many comics about violence. I’m not entertained or amused by violence, and I’d rather not have it in my life. Sex, on the other hand, is something the vast majority of us enjoy, yet it rarely seems to be the subject of comics. Pornography is usually bland, repetitive and ugly, and, at most, ‘does the job.’ I always wanted to make a book that is pornographic, but is also, I hope, beautiful, and mysterious, and engages the mind.”

Bringing to bear the astonishing range of illustrative and storytelling skills that have served him so well on his collaborations with Neil Gaiman and such solo projects as the (recently re-released) epic graphic novel Cages, Dave Mckean forges into new territory with this unique work of erotica.


Celluloid is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | JP | CN)

Celluloid by Dave McKean - back cover

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Celluloid by Dave McKean - detail

Celluloid by Dave McKean - pages

Celluloid by Dave McKean - title pages

Celluloid by Dave McKean - pages

Celluloid by Dave McKean - pages

Celluloid by Dave McKean - detail

Celluloid by Dave McKean - pages

Celluloid by Dave McKean - pages

Celluloid by Dave McKean - pages

Celluloid by Dave McKean - detail

Celluloid by Dave McKean - detail

Celluloid by Dave McKean - page

Celluloid by Dave McKean - detail

Celluloid by Dave McKean - detail

Celluloid by Dave McKean - page

Celluloid by Dave McKean - detail

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