Book Review: Anatomy Drawing School: Human, Animal, Comparative Anatomy

Anatomy Drawing School: Human, Animal, Comparative Anatomy

Actually the copy I have on hand is the German edition of Anatomy Drawing School: Human, Animal, Comparative Anatomy. It's Anatomische Zeichenschule: Mensch. Tier. Vergleichende Anatomie in German. I bought it because I couldn't resist the price of Euro 9.30 (without any taxes for me). And it still is at that price as I'm writing this review. It's either a pricing error or a seriously good bargain - if you don't mind German text.

This book is by the same authors Andras Szunyoghy and György Feher, who also wrote another very similar book called Human Anatomy for Artists, which I also have. This book is thicker at 604 pages and focuses about 200 pages on human anatomy.

If you already have Human Anatomy for Artists and not interested in the drawings of animal bones and muscles, you can skip this book. Most of the illustrations inside have actually appeared in the other book. The only additional part I see is some additional drawings of drapery. The main difference is the other focuses on every single muscle with many different views, this book also has those muscles but in lesser but the basic view — front and back. Bones still have as many views and come with muscle attachment points.

Illustrations of bones and muscles are very big and clear. The animals featured are horse, dog, cat, pig, monkey, sheep, bear, deer, cow, camel and lion. A big bulk is on horses. It's really interesting to see how different the bone and muscle structures are in different animals. I don't have any other animal anatomy books to compare from but this one's pretty good.

I notice that bones in German are named completely different from English while muscles still have somewhat recognisable names. Since the animals have slightly different bones and muscle names, learning them might be a problem.

Overall, it's a pretty useful anatomy reference book. Depending on your preference, you might want to get the English book, or the less dear German edition.

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Visit Amazon to check out more reviews.

If you buy from the links, I get a little commission that helps me get more books to feature.

Note that this book is big, thick and slightly heavy enough for Amazon (not the Germany one) to add a bulky-item surcharge to it.

Links for Anatomy Drawing School: Human, Animal, Comparative Anatomy: | | | | | | | |

The German edition Anatomische Zeichenschule on


I've been having some trouble drawing full-body drawings of people, and I was wondering if anyone knows any good books about drawing correct human anatomy? I'm looking for one with the least amount of nudity in the example sketches, because I'm going to be reading this book during school and I'm not so sure that my teacher would love me reading a book filled with nudes...

Hi parka, i always check your reviews, mostly i find usefull the flipping pages videos...great stuff....thanks.
Among the books on animal anatomy/drawing....would you recomend this one more than has great reviews in amazon so i think might be the best choice..


This book is awesome, I am starting out as an Equine Artist, using graphite, will venture into other mediums.
This book has helped me develop my drawings so much further.
I am now venturing into fantasy art and using this book as a reference to different skeltal shapes and developing my own structures for animals etc.
check out my page on face book
Adam Rumsby Equinart


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