Book Review: Apple Volume 2

Book Review: Apple Volume 2

Apple Volume 2 is a compilation of paintings and comics from 40 top Korean illustrators. Coming from different background, the artistic style and medium featured are extremely diverse.

There are plenty of single page splashes and character design portraits between the multiple short story comics. While some stories are great, some just makes no sense to me. Sometimes, I never can quite get the Korean/Japanese stories they are trying to tell.

Also, some stories come with a "to be continued" but I found out that some stories from Volume 1 are not continued in this volume.

Treat this book more like an art book rather than a graphic novel and you won't be disappointed. Even the comic panels are lavishly painted.

The list of artists featured:

Apple Volume 2 (v. 2) is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

Apple Volume 2 - 01

Apple Volume 2 - 02

Apple Volume 2 - 03

Apple Volume 2 - 04

Apple Volume 2 - 05

Apple Volume 2 - 06

Apple Volume 2 - 07

Apple Volume 2 - 08

Apple Volume 2 - 09

Apple Volume 2 - 10

Apple Volume 2 - 11

Apple Volume 2 - 12

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Oh wow. Who are the following artists?

1. the comic with the two white haired individuals in the car.
2. the comic done in the ancient Korean setting?

Could you pleses tell me illustrated the cover?
Thanks. :)

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