Book Review: The Best of Business Card Design 8

Book Review: The Best of Business Card Design 8

Nice book on business card designs. I love how a few cards are cut out to form shapes, drawing attention away from other designs. The variety of design is also great, showing good understanding of graphic design principles, used often in an unique way. Volume 8 is a welcomed addition to the series.

The Best of Business Card Design 8 - 01

The Best of Business Card Design 8 - 02

The Best of Business Card Design 8 - 03

The Best of Business Card Design 8 - 04

The Best of Business Card Design 8 - 05

The Best of Business Card Design 8 - 06

The Best of Business Card Design 8 - 07

The Best of Business Card Design 8 - 08

The Best of Business Card Design 8 - 09

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While a lot of of the cards appear from image-conscious industries like architecture and fashion, not all, and I’d adulation to see even added assortment in approaching books.

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