Book Review: The Best of Newspaper Design 29

Book Review: The Best of Newspaper Design 29

It is not very often one can find a design book where almost every page will pause the reader. The Best of Newspaper Design series are such books.

In my hands is a copy I borrowed from colleague Jonrob.

In this issue are the winning entries and nominated newspaper designs for 2007. Award categories include overall design, news, features, portfolio, special sections, magazine, art and illustration, photography, information graphics (infographics), and redesigns.

As with other books in the same series, the quality of work showcased in this book is high. It's hard to explain the visuals inside so I'll let the pictures below do the talking.

Designers who work for newspapers should find this book useful for reference and inspiration.

The Best of Newspaper Design 29 - 01

The Best of Newspaper Design 29 - 02

The Best of Newspaper Design 29 - 03

The Best of Newspaper Design 29 - 04

The Best of Newspaper Design 29 - 05

The Best of Newspaper Design 29 - 06

The Best of Newspaper Design 29 - 07

The Best of Newspaper Design 29 - 08

The Best of Newspaper Design 29 - 09

The Best of Newspaper Design 29 - 10

The Best of Newspaper Design 29 - 11

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WOW! Thanks for your work.

In a few days I will start designing a sport newspaper here in Italy and I was searching some inspiration. When I found this book, I wasn't sure if buying or not (because of the price).

Now I'm sure I'll take it.


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