Book Review: CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 01

CFSL.NET: Café Salé Artbook 01

CFSL.NET: Café Salé Artbook 01

This review is applicable for the other volumes of Café Salé art books.

Café Salé or CFSL is a web portal created for the French art community in 2002. It has over tens of thousands of members from different backgrounds, skill sets and interests. There are professionals as well as undiscovered talent. More than a hundred artists have put together their illustrations in this 302-page paperback.

There are three main categories: scenes, characters and miscellaneous. The variety of artistic style is amazing. We have sci-fi background paintings, comic-style art, sketches, fan art, loads of characters in different settings, worlds, and many more. Most of the illustrations are digitally created, not that it affects anything. All are printed gloriously on low gloss paper, making every page a pleasure to look at.

At the end is the index of artists featured, along with their contact information and website. I've contemplated typing out their websites here but there are just too much. You can check out their artist galleries at Café Salé.

This is an illustration annual comparable in standard to those put out by Spectrum, Digital Art Masters and Ballistic Publishing. It makes you wish that there are more online art communities coming up with art books like this.

This book is beautiful and inspirational. Most highly recommended.

You can check out the other books from the series with this tag: cfsl

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 01 - 01

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 01 - 02

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 01 - 03

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 01 - 04

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 01 - 05

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 01 - 06

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 01 - 07

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 01 - 08

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 01 - 09

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 01 - 10

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 01 - 11

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 01 - 12

CFSL.NET: Café Salé (CFSL) Artbook 01 - 13

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If you're getting all volumes, you should try Amazon France to save on shipping since they have all the books. If you're getting just one, you can try any other online retailers. has links to more online retailers.

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