Book Review: Harry Potter Film Wizardry

Harry Potter Film Wizardry

There still isn't any Harry Potter art books, but this movie companion is probably the best thing any fan could wish for.

Harry Potter Film Wizardry is 160-page hardcover and designed like a scrapbook with little goodies — booklets, stickers, maps, even Harry's letter of acceptance to Hogwarts, etc - attached to the pages. The cover is also nicely embossed. It's printed by publisher Collins Design.

The book covers all the seven films, including a sneak at at Deathly Hallows Part 2. It's packed with all sorts of interesting things from the Harry Potter movies. There are chapters on characters, the schools, mythical creatures, strange locations and stories about the wizardry world. You can read about all the teachers Harry had, the different villains from each movies, Ministry of Magic or all the strange inventions created by Ron's twin brothers.

There are plenty of photos shot behind the scenes showing the sets, the miniatures and models, actors and there are even some pieces of artwork and sketches.

The commentary provided includes interviews with the actors and staff. They talk about everything from creating sets like the Hogwarts castle to how they film the movie with computer graphics elements. I'm impressed with how much content is included.

This is the book Harry Potter fans have been waiting for. Grab it.


Note that there are two publishers for this book. In the US, this is published by Collins Design, in Europe, it's published by Bantam Books. The links are at the bottom of this page. They should be featuring the same content.

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Visit Amazon to check out more reviews.

If you buy from the links, I get a little commission that helps me get more books to feature.

The Collins Design published edition (or the US edition) is available at: | | | | | | |

The Bantam Press published edition (or the Europe edition) is available at: | | | | |


Iain Mccaig told me Warner Bros. didnt want to make any art of harry potter books because they wanted you to believe that harry potter's world is i guess this is about as close as you can get to seeing some of the production art for now.

In reply to by Ilya (not verified)

It looks the same to be except the publisher is different. That's most likely the European edition. It's not usual for books to have different publishers in different regions. They should be featuring the same content.

Thanks for pointing that out.

"I'm impressed with how much content is included."

Hi Parka,

thanks, I always appreciate your recommendations... but you say this is crucial for HP fans... what about normal people? X) I like Potter, but I'll only consume if it's worth it...

Thanks for the read! ;>

i bought this mines the europe blue cover one, the book it certainly forfilled what i thought it would, i think its a great book with pull out props and stuff.

i wish they would do a "Art of" that would be one massive fantastic book, shame they havent done one :(!

Hey, Parka. Just wanted to tell you about an upcoming "Art Of" book for the Harry Potter franchise:

Although "Film Wizardry" seems to be a nice book to own, I feel the need for something more complete in the "concept art and sketches" department. You know... like "The Art of Pirates of the Caribbean".

I do hope this is the book I'm wishing for :P…


You're welcome. And yeah, it's almost double the price of the first one :-|

I love the design on the HP series, i wish i could find the person who designed them, I presently design my own book covers using photoshop and I constantly look at the Harry potter stuff for inspiration.
Great Blog

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