Book Review: Zen Pencils-Volume Two: Dream the Impossible Dream

Zen Pencils-Volume Two: Dream the Impossible Dream - 01

The popular Zen Pencils is back with a second volume. Gavin Aung Than is doing great work with his online comics and it's pleasure to support someone has hardworking as him.

This second volume features 20 stories. 19 are originally from his website, some reformatted for the book, and there's one new story called The Monster Named Fear that runs for 16 pages.

If you don't already know about Zen Pencils. Well, it's a web comic that's inspired by the lives of famous and inspiring people. Gavin picks selected quotes or stories from these inspiring people and turn them into a comic story. The stories are inspiring, and sometimes touch on the concept of life and how we live our own lives.

Of course you can read most of the comics for free on his website, but getting the book is a good way to support the artist and his work.

Highly recommended!

Zen Pencils-Volume Two: Dream the Impossible Dream is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

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