Cause and Effect: Visualizing Sustainability

Seems like there's enough design and interest for such a book on sustainability.

Cause and Effect features examples of advertising, infographics, marketing materials in print and online related to the idea of sustainability. What's interesting is how companies actually market their product to the environmentally conscience customer — whether or not their eco-friendly claims are true is another matter. They are couple of nice infographics and illustrations for print. Some of the ideas for advertising campaigns also look pretty smart.

Cause and Effect: Visualizing Sustainability is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

Cause and Effect: Visualizing Sustainability

Cause and Effect: Visualizing Sustainability

Cause and Effect: Visualizing Sustainability

Cause and Effect: Visualizing Sustainability

Cause and Effect: Visualizing Sustainability

Cause and Effect: Visualizing Sustainability

Cause and Effect: Visualizing Sustainability

Cause and Effect: Visualizing Sustainability

Cause and Effect: Visualizing Sustainability

Cause and Effect: Visualizing Sustainability

Cause and Effect: Visualizing Sustainability

Cause and Effect: Visualizing Sustainability

Cause and Effect: Visualizing Sustainability

Cause and Effect: Visualizing Sustainability

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