Review: Logitech Marathon M705 vs Anywhere MX Mouse

After this review, I finally can throw away the Logitech Anywhere MX mouse and go back to using my previous mouse, the Logitech Marathon M705.

Logitech Anywhere MX mouse

Logitech Anywhere MX mouse

Logitech Anywhere MX mouse
I bough the Logitech Anywhere MX mouse (above) because some website mentioned that it's the best wireless mouse. It's most certainly not. When I went back to that particular website, the mouse is no longer to be seen. That is what happens when people review stuff they don't use.

I've used this mouse for months and that's enough for this review.

Logitech Anywhere MX mouse review

The Logitech Anywhere MX mouse is a mouse designed for users on the go, travelers.

The key design feature is the size. It's slightly smaller than typical mouse. My hands are small, and this mouse is even smaller. It's not comfortable to use for prolong periods of time as there's no support for the bottom of the palm.

There are three extra buttons that you can program with for additional functions. Two are by the side that can be reached by the thumb. Third one's behind the scroll wheel.

The scroll wheel is nice. Smooth but with nice friction. It goes in four directions.

The mouse comes with this technology called Dark Field. It means you can use the mouse even on transparent or shiny surfaces such as glass.

Now for the downer. My left clicker broke down after six months. That's quite unacceptable coming from a company that has produced computer mouse for years. The only comfort is the mouse comes with a one year warranty. However, because of the ergonomics, I'm not going to use this mouse anymore.

The mouse comes with a USB wireless receiver. It's plug and play. The computer (Windows and Mac) recognises the mouse instantly. However, to get the features for the extra buttons, you have to download the software from Logitech's website.

Be careful not to block the wireless receiver with electronic devices or the signal strength will be affected.

The Anywhere MX mouse comes with a nice zipped case.

I actually use that case to bring my camera batteries around.

Overall, it's a good mouse. Mine has hardware fault but I attribute that to luck. The only downside is the relatively small size of the mouse. Even after using it for months, I still can't get use to it. It's not very uncomfortable and that's the reason why I'm still using it, but other bigger mouse offers better ergonomics. I've to emphasis that this is a mouse designed for travelers, so size matters.

4 out of 5 stars.

Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR

Logitech Marathon M705 mouse review

This is the Logitech Marathon M705 wireless mouse. It has been my favourite mouse for the past few years. I used this prior to the Anywhere MX, and now I'm switching back. I like it so much I bought two backups. It's a very affordable mouse that's really well designed.

It's a full size mouse with curves designed to fit the hand. It's comfortable to hold even for long periods of usage.

The mouse has three extra buttons. They are all by the side and accessible by the thumb. Two of those buttons are visible with the forward and backward arrows. The third button is hidden beneath the textured thumb grip.

On the top, you have the four-way scroll wheel. That little button behind controls the scroll speed, which is basically hyper-fast and normal. The fast scroll mode is for scrolling long pages, spin the wheel and it can spin non-stop for seconds.

This mouse comes with a USB wireless receiver. The computer recognises the mouse instantly when the receiver is plugged in.

This mouse is called the Marathon mouse because you can use it for a long time before you need to change any batteries. Logitech claims you can use the mouse for 3 years with two AA batteries before you're required to change them.

Another nice feature of the mouse is the ability to adjust its weight. You can choose to use either one or two AA batteries. Depending on which battery slot you use, you can also change the centre of gravity for the mouse.

Behind the battery cover, there's a small slot that can fit the wireless receiver for transport.

I've read some reviewers commenting about the laser tracker beneath that's not located in the centre of the mouse. It's actually close to your fourth finger. I did not find that it affects anything, at least not tracking accuracy. It's a non-issue.

Here are the two side by side. The Marathon M750 has that extra space at the back to rest the palm and is way more comfortable.

To me, the Marathon M705 mouse is one of the best I've used. In terms of durability, I've used my first one for years. It's the perfect mouse in my eyes. Highly recommended.

5 out of 5 stars.

Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR)


Thanks for this review. I am glad that I found it, I totally agree with you, having the same feeling. Tried MX Master 2S, and returned the same hour,m after using it for 15 minutes. Didn't even try the Anywhere because it wasn't available at the local store to try it before buy it, but by looking at the picture I had a feeling that it was too small, even for a travel mouse. But I've happened to try the 705 and it felt very good, considering of buying one for my daily use.

I love the M705. I'm just waiting for it in "Anywhere" mode, so I can ditch the mouse pad when I go to coffee shops.

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