Review: Wacom One Standard Pen (with two buttons)

This is the Wacom One Standard Pen that uses Wacom EMR and comes with two side buttons. This pen supports tilt, 4,098 levels of pressure sensitivity and palm rejection. It's not powered by battery so no charging is required.

Do not confuse this with the Wacom One Pen that has only one side button. The Standard pen features an almost cylindrical body while the non-Standard pen has a thicker grip near the pen tip.

Price of this pen at the time of review is USD 29 so it's not too expensive, thankfully.

The pen comes with ten replacement pen tips and the pen tip remover.

The back can be unscrewed and you can run a string through it.

Pen comes with a matte textured plastic body that has good grip and is comfortable to hold. Build quality feels solid enough. The two side buttons have firm clicks.

Key selling point of this pen is the two side buttons. This is the only Wacom EMR pen I know of that has two side buttons. If you know of other pens with two side buttons, let me know.

The side buttons may be customisable depending on the drawing or note taking app used.

Pen tip is hard plastic and glides on glass easily. Shape is type 5 as shown above. It is possible to use other pen tips with this pen, but the thinner pen tips (type 1, 2, 3) may look strange. So just get the Wacom One official pen tips (USD 6 for 5 pieces) which is guaranteed to work.

Performance of this pen is consistent and predictable like most pens that use Wacom EMR.

1. Initial activation force is low. Drawing thin lines is easy even with a thick brush selected. There's no wobble with slow diagonal lines.

2. How well lines taper will depend on the app you use.

3. Line transition from thin to thick and back is smooth. This is also a diagonal line and there's no diagonal line wobble.

4. Consistent line width can be drawn by maintaining consistent pressure.

5. No issues with drawing dots.

6. No issues with cursor misalignment.

And there are no issues with tilt sensitivity too.

Writing performance is fantastic. My handwriting style can be captured accurately.


This is an affordable Wacom EMR pen that's well made and works great. Main selling point is the two side buttons. If you need two side buttons, this is the pen to go for since there aren't many pens with two side buttons. The bonus is the price is not too expensive, so this pen is really worth the money.

Just don't mistake this for the other Wacom One Pen that has only one side button.


The Wacom One Standard Pen is available from Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | ES | IT | JP)

If you're from Singapore, you can find the pen on Shopee SG. Make sure it's the Wacom One Standard Pen.

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