Server swap is complete is on a new server now. Hopefully, there won't be any more of those silly too-busy-can't-load-page type of problems anymore.

Previously, I was on Bluehost's webhosting which was really economical at only $6.95 per month. That lasted me from Feb 2009 to Oct 2012.

Bluehost has a database connection limit of only 15, which means if you have around 30 visitors online at the same time, there's a good chance pages won't load due to the web traffic. That is about 12000 pageviews per day, a gauge to consider if you want to sign up for Bluehost.

If you want to blog simply without features like forums or special programming code, I would highly recommend Google Blogger instead, and purchase a domain name from them.

Now, I've switched over to Vodien, a Singapore webhosting company. I'm on their VPS so this should suffice for the long term.

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