Sketch Your Packing List
Here's something fun to do before you embark on your sketching trips overseas. Sketch your packing list!
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North Bridge, Bali Lane, Bukit Batok neighbourhood
Here are the three sketches I drew recently.
I'm finally about to complete The Perfect Sketchbook. Just one more sketch to go and I'll be able to share my whole sketchbook with you.
I used Uniball Signo Gelstick, QoR watercolours and The Perfect Sketchbook
See more of my sketches at and
Drawing on location without using perspective
I hear this a lot of time. Many beginners say that they can't draw buildings or scenes because they don't know perspective.
Perspective is a very helpful tool for sketching. But you don't have to use perspective to make a good sketch on location. This video will show you why.
For more of my sketching tips, visit and
Draw with Different Colored Pens & Pencils to Spice Up Your Sketches
My latest muse is to draw with multi-coloured pens, and then using watercolour over them. I feel that the sketches look more lively.
I used the Uniball Signo Gelstick in the video.
For more of my sketching tips, visit and