I've squeezed into the top 100 reviewers
I'm now one of the top 100 reviewers on Amazon (under the New Reviewer Rank). It's really hard to imagine that nine months ago, I was still at 1000. Thanks to everyone who threw me a helpful vote there.
It's cool to see that 97% found the reviews helpful, which is really great.
Voting is a really helpful form of support for this blog because I actually get readers from my Amazon profile page. If you haven't voted yet, you can do so on any of the art books I've reviewed on Amazon — they are easy to spot because they come with a video — or even on my Listmania! List.
Hopefully next year, I'll slip into the top 10.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to everyone, and have a nice day!
Picture source: R. Motti